Emil is 20 years of age and he hails from Vraca in Bulgaria. He currently lives in Berlin and is working at a Bar. Although he is straight, he is open to try sex with another Boy – and we`ll surely get to see more of him very soon…


Malte is 18 years of age and hails from Berlin K̦penick. He has never before been in front of a cam for a pornshoot, but always dreamed of trying. And what a nice surprise it was, when he dropped his pants and let lose that fat cock Рwith lots of foreskin for all you fans of european Boys!


Lars is a returning visitor to Berlin Male. He already did a shooting some years back and moved to the US some time later where he has been working for studios like ´Titan´ and others. He is now living in New York and was visiting his family in Berlin for Xmas time. He has been working on his body a lot since last time we saw him and it was great fun to work with this guy again. Enjoy his Photoset and hot Video!


Ronald is 19 year of age and hails from Prague. Like lots of guys from the czech republic, he claims to be bi but actually has a boyfriend at the moment.